Kagumba, Francis G., Wausi, Agnes N. Journal of Disruptive Technology, Vol 13(1), Jun 2022, X-XX http://doi.org/10.1037/XXXXXXXXXXXXX


Disruptive ICT technologies such as artificial intelligence and mobile computing are transforming how SMEs communicate, connect, and discover. However, the challenge in adopting such technological innovation lies in the evolution of employee behaviour, values, and expectations towards enabling them to work in the enterprises. In this study, it is aimed to understand the influence of organizational culture on employee behaviour towards the adoption of ICT innovation. A survey of 83 managers and 43 employees from 126 ICT SMEs is conducted. The findings of the research revealed that high adoption rates were observed in organizations that fostered adhocracy cultures where informal work relationships existed among managers and employees and in organisations that emphasized on innovating their processes of meeting customer needs.

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